Imaginative Cityscapes

Welcome to the space that I have created for our course 'Drawing & Painting: Imaginative Cityscapes' where I will be sharing with you some of the resources and activities of our course. Enjoy!!!

CLASS 1 (27/09/18) - Sketching outdoors

CLASS 2 (04/10/18) - Taj Mahal & Scribbling technique:

Sketch by Marc Taro Holmes

CLASS 3 (11/10/18) - New York & Deconstruction exercises:

CLASS 4 (18/10/18) - Experimenting with Surrealism

Artworks by Redmer Hoekstra

CLASS 5 (25/10/18) - Notre Dame Cathedral (charcoal/pastels)

CLASS 6: Bear Steps Café - Exercise on tonal values

Homework: Draw this beautiful Tudor house, using either colour pencils or pastels, and focusing on tonal values. Have fun!!

CLASS 7: Exercises on the theory of colour

(Click on the colour wheel to read more about the theory of colour)

Related image

Image result for yoni alter new yorkImage result for yoni alter new york   Image result for yoni alter london

                   Image result for yoni alter houses       

Artworks by Yoni Alter

CLASSES 8 & 9: Experimenting with colour

- Click on the image below to view some examples of imaginative cityscapes

Image result for claire caulfield art
(Artwork by Claire Caulfield)

- Click to watch this tutorial by Will Kemp

- Click to watch this speed video by Alvaro Castagnet

CLASS 10: An Introduction to Collage

Image result for anastasia savinova collage

(Collage by Anastasia Savinova)

Related image

(Collage by Danai Gkoni)
Image result for lyn evans collage

(Collage by Lyn Evans)

Thank you for your interest, hard work and enthusiasm during these ten weeks! It has been very rewarding to see your progress, I'm so proud of you all! Keep up the good work & hope to see you  very soon!

Links and resources of the previous course: 'Cityscapes' (2017)